Talent is having a unique gift, a natural aptitude. Talent shows itself in every activity that goes effortlessly and satisfies you. When you do what you do best, time flies. And it charges your batteries.
Talent in action
It's not because you are talented that it (already) shows in your actions. "Talent in action" means that you have a talent, that you develop behaviour to suit the talent and that you have found an environment or context to fit your talent into.
When I exaggerate my talent...
When stressed or under pressure we tend to exaggerate our talent. We over-apply our talent, which causes it to have less impact. For instance, a very driven and motivated person can start nagging or speeding things up too much, so they will have to learn to ask if others are still on board.
Discover your unique talent profile
With MyTalentBuilder you can discover your unique talent profile. The chance that you will ever meet someone with exactly the same combination of talents as your own is almost non-existent. This means that you need a unique 'manual' to help you make the most of those talents. Gaining insight into your manual will help you to understand which roles, tasks and environments do not suit you and allow you to explain to others which activities give you satisfaction and which ones cost you a great deal of effort. It will also teach you how to connect the feedback you receive from others to your Leverage Skills.

Radically choosing to do what you're good at, is the road to self-realization and authenticity.

Werken met talent offers tools to immediately get to work with the talent within your organization. This book is only available in Dutch.